Construction Department/Building/Zoning
All major projects require approval from the township.
Applications must be filled out and submitted for approval.
You may print out the following application forms, and bring them to the Township Office. Forms are also available at the Township Office.
Site Plan Approval & Building Inspector: Terry Kelly
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8-11
All new housing permit applications must include an approved septic permit.
Zoning & Site Plan Application Forms
Building Permit Form
Commercial Plan Review Application
Variance Application
Demo Permit
Electrical Inspector: Josh Zimmerman
George Beattie
Plumbing permits.
Plumbing Permit Form
Mechanical Inspector: Robert Neymeiyer
Contractor License Registration Form
Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Permits must be obtained through Huron County. Erosion permits are required for any building project located within 500 feet of any body of water. A building permit will not be issued until an erosion permit is obtained from Huron County.