Township Officials
Supervisor - Ben Willenberg
676 Main Street
Caseville MI, 48725
(989) 856-9053
The supervisor is generally in office Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:00 AM to Noon. Days and times are subject to change.
Clerk - Kim Simpson
676 Main Street
Caseville MI, 48725
(989) 856-9053
The clerk is generally available in the office: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM. Days and times are subject to change.
Election Information
Deputy Clerk - Shelly Stirrett
676 Main Street
Caseville MI, 48725
(989) 856-9053
Treasurer- Chelsey Dufty
676 Main Street
Caseville MI, 48725
(989) 856-9053
The treasurer is generally available in the office Monday and Tuesday. Days and times are subject to change.
Deputy Treasurer- Roxanne McLean
676 Main Street
Caseville MI, 48725
(989) 856-9053
The Deputy Treasurer is typically present on Wednesday - Friday. Days and times are subject to change.